스프링 예제(Spring-PetClinic) 실행하기
1.개발환경 1) jdk 버전 : 1.8 (9랑 10은 안되여~) 2)소스 다운 (git : 동물병원웹사이트 spring-petclinic) 2.소스다운 https://projects.spring.io/spring-petclinic/ Spring Petclinic Quick Start You need Java 1.8 and git: $ git clone https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-petclinic.git $ cd spring-petclinic $ ./mvnw spring-boot:run You can then access petclinic here: http://localhost:8080/ Other Technology and Spring Features ..
IT 개발/Spring
2019. 6. 4. 00:59